Saturday, July 21, 2012

Indie and Bennett - planning a Big Surprise!

Welcome back to the Blog. As many of you already know, Indie and Bennett are my own furkids, and they light up my life every single day. Although they are both adopted from a wonderful Rescue as puppies, they have "formal" names as well as their more familiar "call" names. Indie is Kodak's Canyonview Little Miss Independant and Bennett's big-boy name is Kodak's Canyonview The Best Is Yet To Come.

Indie and Bennett have been working undercover for many weeks now on a Big Surprise. They've been getting me up early, before the heat of the day, going to a Top Secret Location and putting their heads together with one of their Cocker Friends named Flirt (is it any surprise that she is a Parti, too?!). Flirt's parents, Peggy and Joe, have been put through their paces as well.

The Big Reveal is scheduled for August 3, 2012. And let me tell you, they are excited! And a little apprehensive - they want the news that day to be that their hard work has paid off. Stay tuned for more - and keep your paws crossed!

Let Indie and Bennett know through the comment section below - what do YOU think their Big Surprise is going to be?

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Indie (bottom photo) and Bennett (top photo) are modeling the July Beach set, celebrating the Dog Days of Summer. This is all done in studio - no sand in the fur or paws scorched by the hot pavement walking to the shore! The set is suitable for large dogs and other species too, so book your July Beach Session now. $35.00 for 15-30 minutes on set (whatever your pet needs to get comfortable and have fun!) and that includes a print credit that will pay for a 5x7 or it can be applied to other sizes, as well.

Have you signed up for the monthly Newsletter? It comes direct to your inbox and you can learn about all sorts of great things before they are posted to the blog - like the Beach Set (modeled in the newsletter by Salsa the Border Terrier). Click HERE to learn more.

Thanks for the visit - please hug your pet for me today!