Welcome to the Blog Home of Peggy Mundell: Professional Pet Photographer in Southern California. Come on in, stay awhile. Add a comment and enjoy the sights. You'll see pet portraits, show candids, and photos of all pets - dogs, cats, tortoises, birds and other surprises. Enjoy your stay, don't mind the dog hair and remember ... Every Moment Matters!(tm)
Free Photoshoots for Breeds Wanted to Photograph for March/April 2013
If you have one of the following breeds and would like a complimentary session before March 10, 2013, please do contact me. Your dog might appear in a national magazine, on a greeting card or in a calendar! I'm currently looking for the following breeds:
Wire Fox Terrier
Russell Terrier
Puppies, adults and seniors - I need them all! They must conform to breed standards, but they don't have to be show dogs; purebred-looking pets and rescues are available for this offer as well.
Contact me to inquire about a free private photo sitting. Shoot participants that are chosen for a national magazine will receive a copy of the issue they are published in. All participants will receive 20% off any prints they wish to order from the free session.
Studio sessions will be held at my Santee studio and location candids are available at San Diego County area parks or beaches. If you are in the SD, CA area and have a great house/yard to photograph in, then I may be able to come to you for the shoot. I would also love to do "lifestyle" shots and include the owner, if you are up to it (playing, walking, everyday life with your dog). Does your dog do a job, sport or fun activity? That is a possible shoot, as well. I look forward to hearing from you!
5 Lucky winners will each receive a Signed Book from the author.
Open US/CA or ebook Worldwide.
Ending on Sunday 14th April; at 11.59pm EST
Barbara's vivid and dramatic stories, told with a wicked sense of humor, will make you laugh out loud. She definitely gets what living with rescued dogs (nine of them!) is all about. This book will inspire you with the couple's unstinting love, devotion, and respect for dogs as family members. You'll be glad to include it in your treasured collection of great dog books.
When Barbara meets her future husband, Ray, it is love-and dog-at first sight. Over the course of thirty-two years, seventeen relocations and nine dogs, their mutual love of dogs guides them on their unconventional path. The love that Barbara and Ray get in return is literally lifesaving, with one dog attacking a lethal intruder and another discovering Barbara’s cancer. Her own survival story underscores the story of how her dogs become survivors themselves.
Each new dog adds its own dynamic to the family, sometimes upending it. From Turbo (whose Spock-like ears may have provided super powers), Barbara learns about the will to live; Lexington demonstrates incredible patience and an inexplicable love of golf; Madison teaches that laughter is truly the best medicine and that the whole “nine lives thing” is not reserved just for cats; Morgan should be sainted for tolerating Izzy, who is as cute as she is bad. Barbara is certain that somewhere in doggie heaven there is a poster that says “If you are sick, injured or in need of really expensive medical care, FIND THESE HUMANS!”
From the Red Bank Veterinary Hospital Facebook page:
"Samurai Update:
Our friend, Samurai, definitely has a fighting spirit! He decided he did not like his NG (nasogastric) tube and essentially coughed it out! He is actually tolerating very small amounts of syringe feeding by mouth on his own. Dr. Lisa Weeth, our board certified nutritionist, has done a consult and we are working with her to slowly and safely reintroduce food to him (if fed too quickly he can become very ill). It is still going to be a very long process. Dr. Greg Griffeth, our board certified dermatologist, has also done a consult and Sammy is on the appropriate treatments for his skin at this time.
The attached photo (edit from DogBreedz: it's a darling photo, you'll have to check out their FB page to see it!) is of Samurai with his new bunny friend -- a gift left by an adoring member of his wide-reaching fan club. Thank you all for your love and support.
Thank you also to Chief Amato for the work that you do and for allowing us to post these updates."
Unless you live near New Jersey, or are a dog lover connected to others on Facebook, you might not have heard this story. WARNING: while I'm not including photos, there are pix/video included in my link and the story is heartwrenching. Even for me, having been deeply involved in Rescue since 2002. My post is a slightly watered-down version, for those who might be more faint of heart.
A seemingly Good Samaritan couple turned a Cocker Spaniel into their local SPCA, claiming to have found him after seeing a garbage bag moving on the side of the road. Their reign as local heros was short-lived however, when it was discovered that the dog (at that time being called Morgan) was actually registered to the couples' address since 2007, under the name Samurai. IT WAS THEIR OWN DOG! Now, the Rescue Person in me is trying VERY hard to say "at least they finally gave Samurai a chance". During owner relinquishments that is the mantra that I kept in my head so I could be as civil as possible until the papers were signed, giving Rescue legal ownership of the dog they could no longer care for, or in some cases have never taken care of. But, if you click thru to the news story, you'll see that darling Samurai is fighting for his life, at only 8 years old. The accused couple, Keith and Shauna Morgan of Brick Township, New Jersey, have been arrested and face multiple charges of animal cruelty, neglect and abandonment and hindering an investigation. If Samurai doesn't make it, the charges will increase.
KUDOS to the local police, SPCA and the Red Bank Veterinary Hospital where Samurai is being treated and has a chance at life - a chance at a good life. You are my heros today!
You can find many news reports on this horrific neglect/abuse case by googling key words. My link to the ABC Local news story came from googling: wall county nj cocker spaniel.
If you know of someone who isn't able to take proper care of their pet(s), get to know them. Kindly offer education without judging - maybe they don't know the basics of pet care. If that doesn't help the animal, let the owners know about the local SPCA and area Rescues (find out first if the Rescue takes owner relinquishments, not all of them do - do the research for the owner ... for the pet). If the owners aren't listening or improving their care - report them to the local authorities. We have to look out for the animals, they don't have a voice of their own. Maybe, just maybe, we can help the animal into a better home before the neglect reaches a point of cruelty.
Book Review:
Dog-ma the Zen of Slobber by Barbara Boswell Brunner
Welcome to the first DogBreedz Book Review - the first of many, I am hoping! If you are a dog lover (and if you are here, you most likely are ...) then this is a book you'll want to take the time to read - and enjoy. And just in case you aren't sure if my taste in books runs parallel to yours: at the bottom of the review there is a list of participating blogs on this Book Tour. You can not only read what other bloggers think about the book, but on March 26th you can follow the link to enter the giveaway of FIVE signed copies of the book!
When I was offered the chance to review this book for the Virtual Book Tour, I jumped at the chance. As a child I was a voracious reader, but now "Life" seems to get in the way of the simple pleasures of reading. Dog-Ma the Zen of Slobber seemed like just the title to indulge in and Barbara Boswell Brunner doesn't disappoint. From beginning to end (cover-to-cover just doesn't seem appropriate for an e-book) you'll enjoy each of the stories and appreciate the learning curve of the dog owners. From bringing their first puppy home at five weeks (FIVE WEEKS?!? I was ready to hate the book, just for that start! I'm a confirmed preacher of not separating a pup from its litter until ten - or better yet twelve - weeks, but that's for another post) to learning how to home-cook their food to help a dog avoid seizure symptoms, Barbara and Ray evolved in their dog knowledge and care. The writing style is deceptively simple: it's easy to feel like you are sitting across a cafe table from them and sharing dog stories. But the humor and yes, the heart-wrenching reality as the dogs pass on, is infused within the stories and the book becomes hard to put down. Keep a few tissues nearby, your eyes will get a bit teary in places, as only a true dog-lover can understand. You'll finish the book feeling like Barb and Ray are old friends of your own.
***** ***** *****
For dog lovers everywhere ... Barbara's vivid and dramatic stories, told with a wicked sense of humor, will make you laugh out loud. She definitely gets what living with rescued dogs (nine of them!) is all about. This book will inspire you with the couple's unstinting love, devotion, and respect for dogs as family members. You'll be glad to include it in your treasured collection of great dog books.
When Barbara meets her future husband, Ray, it is love-and dog-at first sight. Over the course of thirty-two years, seventeen relocations and nine dogs, their mutual love of dogs guides them on their unconventional path. The love that Barbara and Ray get in return is literally lifesaving, with one dog attacking a lethal intruder and another discovering Barbara’s cancer. Her own survival story underscores the story of how her dogs become survivors themselves.
Each new dog adds its own dynamic to the family, sometimes upending it. From Turbo (whose Spock-like ears may have provided super powers), Barbara learns about the will to live; Lexington demonstrates incredible patience and an inexplicable love of golf; Madison teaches that laughter is truly the best medicine and that the whole “nine lives thing” is not reserved just for cats; Morgan should be sainted for tolerating Izzy, who is as cute as she is bad. Barbara is certain that somewhere in doggie heaven there is a poster that says “If you are sick, injured or in need of really expensive medical care, FIND THESE HUMANS!”
Barbara grew up in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania with her parents, sister and always a dog, or two or three. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from a small women's college in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. Meeting her husband in Washington, DC, they continued together on a journey as self-proclaimed dog addicts. In the ensuing years, she founded three successful businesses in the Pacific Northwest and is a prolific fundraiser for breast cancer research. She and her husband are retired and now reside in Southwest Florida with two dogs and copious amounts of dog fur. She is currently working on indulging her well known flip flop addiction.
Brand new from the Canyonview Studio at DogBreedz.net - the AromaPAWtherapy Necklace!
This beautiful terra-cotta pendant will compliment almost any outfit and will show your love for the animals in your life. Just under 1.5" in diameter, the charm features a bold paw print and is held on a satin tie. The "clasp" is a matching terra-cotta bead and loop closure.
A handsome piece on its own - but it gets even better when you realize it is also a piece of original aromatherapy jewelry. Just add ONE drop of your favorite essential oil to the FRONT of the necklace and rub it in. The oil absorbs into the clay and allows you to experience the power of essential oil aromatherapy throughout your day. It’s like having your own personal diffuser! One drop is all it takes and you can change essences each time you apply - the most recent application will be the strongest essence. I suggest you only apply it to the front so there won't be any oils rubbing against delicate fabrics.
To purchase one Necklace ($16) (plus $3 shipping to USA and Canada) just use this paypal button:
To purchase multiple Necklaces or to ship to a country other than USA/Canada or to inquire about wholesale pricing, just email me (use the "contact me" button at the top of this page).
Ready for the really FUN part of this post? I thought so! I am giving away FIVE necklaces to my readers! Just leave a comment below before 4:00 pm (California time) on 3/14/2013. I will run Random.org for five numbers and the corresponding commenters will win. If you live outside of USA or Canada, I ask that you cover actual shipping costs.
Want better odds? Comment on my Health Blog and increase your chances of winning - I am giving away five MORE necklaces over there, too!
NOTE: if you have any problems commenting below, just send me an email at DogBreedz (at) yahoo (dot) com and I'll post for you.