I've had the pleasure of more great dogs on set this last week, and a handsome kitty too. Pepe is one of the resident kennel cats, and even tho the strobe lights still scare him (I can reliably get one shot off before he changes his mind out the whole idea) HE is the one who comes asking to have me take his photo. He is trying so hard to be a brave kitty! Here he is, with his rugged good looks:

Spencer and Tara come to the kennel like clockwork for their baths and grooms - their mom takes great care of them and it shows. Tara (the black) is a retired show Cocker (thank you Eileen, for breeding such a looker - I remember the day/night she was born!) and Spencer (the chocolate) was adopted thru the local Rescue - he's worked his way thru the paces and is now a certified therapy dog.

Tucker is certified too - a certified goofball. This loveable lug kept us all on our toes during his session, all in good fun of course. Tucker's Tongue is quite lengendary ... his shelter photo had a similar pose to this one:

But he was ready to show his sweet handsome side too, once we explained to him that this was a Valentine shoot. Tucker is a "sprocker" - Springer/Cocker mix. And he knows how to work those Spaniel eyes!

I had my first chance to spend time on set with Wire Fox Terriers. What a kick this breed is! No matter what they are doing, they do it with a single-minded vengence. Stunning looks too, as you can see in these three champions.
Jay-Jay (CH Whimsicals Whodunit)

Lovey (CH Belwood for Love of the Game)

Bella (CH Libwyres Belles and Whistles)

This week the studio will be open on Wednesday Jan 19 and Fri Jan 21 from 10 - 4, by appointment. Call 858/997-7135 to reserve your 15-minute session (leave a message if no answer). If there is enough demand, I'll have it open on Sunday Jan 23, as well - just let me know!
I'm still working on transfering my main web site to a new server, I'll definitely be happy when that is accomplished and behind me. Until then, you can go straight to my photo site at http://dogbreedz.smugmug.com .
PHOTO PUZZLES - reg price $56.45 ... SALE PRICE $46.99 until 1/31/11
Create your own one-of-a-kind jigsaw puzzle from your favorite photo! This large, 252-piece puzzle measures 14 inches by 10 inches and has a glossy finish. It comes in a black box with a 5 x 7 print of the image on top of the box (box measures 5.625" x 7.625" x 1.2").
Makes a great gift for Valentine's Day, too. Safe ordering on-line thru SmugMug for quick delivery. To order, find your favorite photo and above the larger preview on the right side of the screen, click on BUY. Choose PHOTO PACKAGE from the drop down menu and scroll down to Photo Puzzle Special.