I am a member of a network of professional pet photographers from around the world. We have a challenge project: a blog roll (Project 52) where once a week we take a photo to fit the week's theme, and then link to the next participating photographer. This week's theme is FROM THE HIP. I hope you enjoy this blog post with photos and feel like leaving a comment at the end. I love visitors! After you are finished reading, please do take a moment to click the link at the bottom and see what the photographer after me came up with for the theme. In fact, sit back and take five minutes, and keep clicking thru until you come around full circle back to here - I think you'll enjoy yourself!
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"From the Hip" ... one of the photographers in this Project 52 group termed it "shooting blind". No matter what it's called by anyone else, I call it a definite challenge and something that is currently well outside of my comfort zone in photography! But then again - that is one of the reasons I'm doing this project ... to stretch my wings and try new things. And hopefully to grow as a photographer as a result and offer an even better product to my clients. So off I went - camera in one hand and Indie the Cocker Spaniel in the other (okay, so it was her leash that was in the other, but you get the idea).

The outing started predictably enough - with a LOT of images that looked like the one to the right --->> Could I get any worse at this?! Well, the answer was "of COURSE" but needless to say, I won't be showing any of those images in this post. The answer expanded with "and I can get better too!" As with anything in life, practice is the key. I had always admired the photographers who were able to get those off-the-cuff shots (
Suzy Mast Lee - you are one of my idols with your journalistic pet photos! Come to think of it, you are the one who introduced me to this group, too!). Lower to the ground gives a different perspective regarding the pets in our lives, but it takes some getting used to. As I got more comfortable shooting blind at the park ("Honest Ma'am, I'm NOT stalking your kid - please don't call the cops!) my resulting photos started turning out better.

Now this image may not seem like the ideal shot, at first look. But in reality, it actually is the perfect image to illustrate something that I've noticed, and just last week was telling a friend about. If you've ever walked a dog on a leash (and really, let's face it, who among my target audience here hasn't done just that?!) you have probably experienced this too. It especially happens when all you really want to do is to take the dog out on leash for a quick (and I stress QUICK) potty. Maybe it's raining, or your dinner is hot out of the oven and waiting (and cooling), maybe YOU have to potty as well. Or even a trifecta! But have you noticed ... the MOST desirable spot to sniff, the MOST "I have have have to check it out, Mom!" spot .... it is *always* just 5 inches past the end of the leash's length! And, if you give in and let your precious princess have that sniff ... suddenly THE spot has just moved ... another five inches past the end of the leash. You know I never would have been able to illustrate this concept had I been trying to get the photo. And shooting blind, from the hip got it for me.

Along with the dog park and the kids' park, there is a skate park, too - it's really a great area here in Santee! The bikes off to the side were just too tempting to ignore, and I especially like how this one turned out.
Thanks for visiting the Project 52 Blog Roll for Week #3. Now, please do take a moment and click thru
to the blog of Terran Bayer (of
Westway Studio - also located right here in San Diego County). Enjoy the photos and give YOUR pets a hug from me!