Friday, January 27, 2012

Project 52-4: Jumps and Cuddles

I am a member of a network of professional pet photographers from around the world. We have a challenge project: a blog roll (Project 52) where once a week we take a photo to fit the week's theme, and then link to the next participating photographer. This week's theme is JUMPS AND CUDDLES. I hope you enjoy this blog post with photos and feel like leaving a comment at the end. I love visitors! After you are finished reading, please take a moment to click the link at the bottom and see what the photographer after me came up with for the theme. In fact, sit back and take five minutes, and keep clicking thru until you come around full circle back to here - I think you'll enjoy yourself!
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She flies thru the air with the greatest of ease ... no trapeze needed for Kodak's Canyonview Little Miss Independent! Indie was eager to show off her hang-time over the makeshift agility jump bar during a break in the rains last weekend. This is one of those "couldn't have posed it any better!" action shots that I love to capture. Good Girl, Indie!

While Indie was able to catch some sun, Bennett's plans to cuddle up with a friend's grandson got washed out. He made up for that lost photo op by testing out some of the Valentine's Teddy Bears on set. It was hard to choose just one photo of my boy, so here are two to raise the "aww!" factor at computer screens around the world - featuring the lover boy himself, Kodak's Canyonview The Best Is Yet To Come.

Thanks for visiting my part of the Project 52 Blog Roll for Week #4. Now, remember to take a moment and click thru to the blog of Stephanie Madeline (of Chase and Snap Pet Photography - located in New Jersey). Enjoy the photos and give YOUR pets a hug from me!


  1. Aww...he seems to really like the Teddy Bears. May need to bring one home/off the set! :)

    1. Trust me, Ann - Bennett has plenty of cuddle ops at home : )- He just LOVES posing for the camera, tho! Thanks for stopping by this week for my P52 post!

  2. I love all the fur flying on the top image, yet looking so graceful! :)

    1. I know what you mean, Nat - I look at some of my agility shots and I see the intensity in the eyes, yet the flow of all that hair - love it! I appreciate you taking time to comment!

  3. Just love the second shot, especially that look on his face.

    1. Thank you, Judy. Ben surprised me - during the shooting I never noticed his little smile - it was a nice discovery during the editing! Thx for coming to my blog for a visit today!

  4. Great capture of all the flying fur! And the teddy bear shots are so cute :)

  5. Awesome jumping shot! Look at all of that hair flying in the wind.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Karen. I love agility photography with long-haired dogs - whether over the jumps or around the weave poles, it really adds to the action : )-
